Parts Connexion Modified GCPH vs Unmodified

I'm lucky enough to have both stock and parts conneXion modified PS Audio GCPH phono preamplifiers... So I figure why not finally write up a proper comparison.

A bit of background info:

First, a quick note on what I don't like about the modified GCPH. I hate the WBT-0210-Cu RCA connectors... Yes, they are probably electrically superior products, but the ergonomics suck. It's why I use Kimber RCA connectors on my DIY projects.

It's also worth noting that, as with all PS Audio Gain Cell gear, you want to make sure you have adjusted gain on the back panel such that the volume level is "correct" with the gain cell adjusted to between 11:00 and 14:00. Think of the gain cell as a tool for fine tuning output level, not as volume control.

Test Systems:

VPI Scout Turntable
Dynavector 20x2h Cartridge
Parasound JC2BP Preamplifier
Parasound JC1 Amplifiers
Mogami Gold Balanced Interconnect
Signet Maximum Transfer Unbalanced Interconnect (isn't nostalgia great)
Pear Audio Speaker Cable
PS Audio PPP Power Regenerator
Usher BE20 Speakers

Technics SL-1210M5G Turntable
Sure M44-7 Cartridge (crazy high output) 
Dynavector 20xH Cartridge - Soundsmith Boron with Nude Contact Line Stylus Retip
First Watt DIY B1 Buffer Preamp
Bryston 4B-SST Amplifier
Magnipan 3.6R Speakers
Transparent Audio Speaker Cable

So... how does it sound? Stay tuned... 


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