Sony TC-RX79ES Cassette Tape Deck - Fail

A few days ago i ran across a craigslist ad for a Sony TC-RX79ES. $40 for a late model ES autoreverse deck with Dolby HX pro... The ad said it was "for parts", meaning it has something wrong with it... but it could be a fun project.

I picked it up, got it home and gave it a good cleaning. It was already really clean so it didnt take long.

The i stuck in a tape to see what it did. And, it ate the tape. I initially thought the issue had to do with dirty pinch rollers, but no such luck.

Opened it up, and the rubber is all intact, all the motors work, and everything seems to have its full range of motion.

My first impression looking inside the box was that there isnt much in there. But then again, the only deck i have looked inside in many years is a Nakamichi Dragon, so not really a fair comparison.

After a bit of googling i found a few others who had similar symptoms:
1. fast forward and rewind work
2. it goes into cleaning mode (power on while holding the open/close button)
3. it goes into play and reverse play, but stops after about a second
4. it makes a squealing sound when engaging play and reverse play
5. it sometimes gets into a weird mode where the heads just keep moving up and down

There are only 2 belts in this machine. And the belt that turns the capstains is doing its job. So that leaves the mode belt.

A quick email to the nice people at and new belts are on their way. I figure i might as well replace both belts while i have it apart,

The transport in this deck is pretty simple, at least compared to the dragon. it looks like it comes out with just a few screws...

Nothing to do now but wait for the belts to get here.

To be continued...


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