PS Audio Directstream, DS MKII, TSS : New DAC or Mods?
PS Audio has been making the Perfectwave digital to audio converter (DAC) for quite some time, in fact, it is now at the tail end of its third incarnation, all using the same casework. It started with the Perfectwave DAC back in xxxx, in 2012 it was upgraded to the Perfectwave MKII, and then, with the introduction of Ted Smith to the PS Audio Team, the Perfectwave Directstream (aka DS) followed in 2014. The DS has remained PS Audio’s flagship DAC since 2014, roughly 7 years, with all upgrades being free and applied as firmware updates. Even more impressive is that many audio journalists and audiophiles still consider the DS to be among the best sounding, if not the best measuring, DAC’s on the market. Full disclosure, the PS Audio Directstream DAC is my personal reference. From what I gather, the last planned firmware update, Sunshine (named for sunshine peak in Colorado) for the DS MKI is scheduled to arrive by the end of April 2021… Though, according to a representat...